Privacy Protection

At Security Mutual Group, providing for your security is our highest concern. We have been protecting policyowners since 1887, and that includes protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our customers’ personal information. Therefore, we are pleased to publish Security Mutual Group’s Privacy Notice, which describes how Security Mutual Group, and its subsidiaries, Security Cooperative Insurance Company, Security Mutual Insurance Company and Security Mutual Brokers Services, handle the information we receive about you.


• We collect and use information about you in order to provide you with insurance and other services.
• We obtain most of the information from you, primarily from the application you complete when you apply for our products or services.
• Transaction information: This is information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others. It includes your insurance coverage selections and premiums, payment and claims history, and information necessary for billing and payment. It may also include additional information used to adjust, investigate, and settle insurance claims, such as witness statements and police reports. Transaction information may be disclosed as described below.
• Consumer Report Information: This is information we receive from a consumer reporting agency. It is used to confirm or supplement application information. It includes motor vehicle reports and/or claims history reports. We will disclose consumer report information only as necessary to quote or service your insurance policy as permitted or required by law. To underwrite your insurance and provide an accurate insurance quote, consumer report information may be shared with our affiliated subsidiaries. By obtaining a quote or applying for insurance with us, you consent to our sharing of this information with our affiliated subsidiaries.


• To guard your personal information, we maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with state regulations. We have also appointed a corporate privacy officer to monitor compliance with the Company’s privacy policy.
• All employees are required to protect the confidentiality of our customer’s personal information, and they may not access that information unless there is a legitimate reason for doing so, such as responding to a customer request.


• We will not sell your personal information.
• We will not disclose your personal information except as necessary for conducting business or required by law. For example, we may disclose your personal information to your agent, our employees or our service providers so they can service your business or respond to your questions or requests. We require the recipients of such information to protect the information mid use it only for the purpose provided.


Each year, we will provide you with a summary of our privacy policy.


If you have any questions about Security Mutual Group’s privacy policy, please contact us or write:

Privacy Officer
Security Mutual Group
PO Box 4620
Ithaca, NY 14852-4620

Finys Suite


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