FREE Identity Management


Identity Management Services

From getting married and buying a home to raising children to retiring, practically every key moment in your life opens up new exposure points and opportunities for identity thieves and fraudsters. But you already have too much to think about, and the constant phone calls and paperwork involved in recovering from identity theft can be overwhelming.
Your FREE LifeStages identity management services from SECURITY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY keeps pace with emerging identity threats across all stages of your life, thanks to CyberScout, the nation’s premier provider of identity services.
If you ever find yourself faced with identity theft worries, you and your family* can get help from a dedicated CyberScout fraud specialist whose support goes far beyond do-it-yourself kit resolution. The specialist will handle the recovery process behind the scenes by placing fraud alerts, calling creditors, and sticking with you for as long as it takes to restore your good name and peace of mind. This complimentary policyholder benefit, which is available 24/7, is our way of saying thanks for including us in your insurance services family.
*Identity protection services are available to a spouse and/or immediate family members under 26 years old who live in the household.
This is a free resolution assistance service, not insurance coverage. The ML-189 (10/01) Identity Fraud Endorsement is to be used for $10,000 expense reimbursement coverage in the event of a covered loss.

Identity Fraud Facts1

+ 12.7 million victims
+ Identity theft claims a new victim every two seconds
+ 1 in 7 breach victims experience fraud

Get help with changing circumstances and threats:

+ Document Replacement

+ Proactive Services
Travel Risk
External Breach Support
System Protection Support
Email Identity Support
Phish Assist

+ Fraud Services
Financial Identity Theft
Tax Identity Theft
Utility Identity Theft
Payday Loan Identity Theft
And More

1 “2015 Identity Fraud: Protecting Vulnerable Populations,” Javelin Strategy & Research.

Visit to access the ID Risk Compass and Knowledge Center for best practices, tip sheets, videos and more.

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